Resident Evil (2002) (Zombie Apocalypse Scenario)
When the film first starts we see the Umbrella Corporation logo, which ties into the games as most fans will know that the film is an adaptation of a game based around a zombie apocalypse. During this time we hear a narration of the back-story of the Umbrella Corporation. The narrator tells the audience that almost every home has a product from Umbrella in it. It also tells us that “It’s political and financial influence is felt everywhere” this already tells us that Umbrella will have some part to play in the story. After this short introduction we see the title Resident Evil slowly fade in and out which is accompanied by non-diagetic music which can almost be described as techno, this could tell the audience that the film is very science based or involves a vast amount of technology, which already sets the scene for the viewers.
We then see a zoom into the actual framing and scene itself, which is rather odd to see in any film. Once in the scene the camera zooms into a man wearing what looks like protective clothing. The man is also handling some chemicals from behind a sheet of glass via mechanical arms. This use of mise-en-scene already gives the audience the impression that the time period the film is in is almost futuristic.
We are then treated to a series of close ups of the mechanical arms handling the chemicals. We see that the chemicals are then placed into a metal briefcase and locked automatically. This process alone automatically indicates that these chemicals are important for the plot of the story. However fans of the Resident Evil series will already know what these chemicals are. I do not feel that this opening is effective in explaining the story to newcomers to the series as it keeps the audience asking questions such as where, why and what.
We then see a close up of a man tripping and accidentally dropping one of the chemicals on the floor. We then hear the diagetic sound of sirens, which indicates the chemical was hazardous to humans. We then cut to an extreme close up of our characters eye. In turn this signifies the start of the main story. It could also give us the impression that she is waking up from a dream, and what we have just seen is the dream.
From watching the opening of Resident Evil I have learned how to open a story to new viewers and how not to raise too many questions that will confuse the audience. I have also learned how the environment, costume and sound are vital to setting the scene and atmosphere which in turn will hopefully grasp the audience.
Shaun of the dead (2004) (Zombie Apocalypse Scenario)
Shaun of the Dead opens up on a mid shot of our main character Shaun, who is wearing what looks to be shirt and tie, showing he has just been working, drinking and smoking in a pub, looking rather zombie like himself, already giving the idea that the protagonist isn’t that clever either. We then see a mid shot of him and his girlfriend talking about how they never spend time together. While this is an odd start for a post apocalypse story, it shows the main characters life before the event, giving us a backstory behind the characters and how they know each other. The opening scene is used to let the audience know about the characters and the problems they are having before the event which causes the post apocalyptic situation. This could put the audience in the story and ask the question “What if?” as the scene we are seeing could be seen as an everyday situation.
After this scene we enter the opening sequence which is accompanied by some none-diagetic music which is rather upbeat. We then see various images of people working in factories simultaneously or businessmen answering phones at the same time. This could be a small joke at humans as it depicts us as all doing the same thing without any thought, almost as if we are already zombies. The title Shaun of the Dead then appears on the floor of an alleyway. During this time we see a panning shot with a crowd of people walking towards the title at the same speed in the same walk, again poking fun at the audience.
After this sequence we then see a close up of two feet almost dragging themselves across the floor. The camera then pans up to the face of the character, we hear a moan which the audience could relate to a zombie if they have watched other movies with zombies in them, however, we then see that the character is actually Shaun, again this is poking fun at the audience saying we are already like zombies.
The film itself is quite interesting in the sense that it is a post-apocalyptic horror comedy. The mix of the three creates an almost uneasy atmosphere as once something shocks the audience the characters will make a joke about what they had just witnessed. From this I have learned how contrasting genres, music can be used effectively.
2012 (2009) (Global Catastrophe Scenario)
The films opens up with various shots of the planets accompanied by some eerie music to set the scene and add mystery. Between each shot we see credits with a fade in and out transition. This is good in terms of an opening sequence in my opinion as it keeps the audience gripped to the action. We then see a shot of the edge of the sun, in front of this we see two planets that are aligned, this already gives the audience some idea that the story that take place has something to do with the events in space, also because the planets are aligning, the sheer size of them already gives the idea that something big will happen. We then see flames shoot up from the sun engulfing the shot. The camera then pans down to a shot where another fire blast is seen which is used as a transition to the next part in the story. This title sequence alone already sets the scene for the story as we know it will be dark because of the music. The idea of a huge event in space, which is obviously out of humanities control, indicates that something is going to happen.
We are then jolted back down to earth, in
The two characters then get out of the car. They are dressed in smart casual clothing; this could indicate that they do not have a high ranking status.
This opening scene creates questions for the audience to ask. I feel this is effective in keeping the audience interested in the movie. I have also learned that the use of iconography can be used to represent a coming event in the plot.
Post-Apocalyptic Film Openings
Thursday, 19 November 2009 Posted by Jordan Sanderson at 01:27
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